Water failure in 38319 Remlingen-Semmenstedt

Have you run out of water in Remlingen-Semmenstedt? You can use our map to quickly and easily check whether there is a water fault

The responsible water supplier and contact person in the event of disruptions is LSW Netz. \n

There are currently no reported water disruption reports from the water supplier or users in Remlingen-Semmenstedt.

Several hundred thousand kilometers of water pipes lie in Germany's soil. The pipes are getting on in years: Over 30 percent of the pipes are more than 40 years old.

Material fatigue in old pipes can lead to breaks, which affects the water supply in households. Particularly in spring, when the ground thaws and expands, bursts occur more frequently. However, excavator drivers can also inadvertently cause damage to pipes.

Replacing damaged pipes requires coordination and quick action. Water samples and tests ensure hygienic repairs. Cloudy water may occur for a short time after major bursts or after flushing.

Is there no water coming out of your tap? Do you have brown water? Have you noticed a leak in the immediate vicinity? In these cases, your water supplier is the right person to contact. In 38319 Remlingen-Semmenstedt this is LSW Netz.

The hotline number to report faults is: 0800 579 7000

Of course, it can happen that these hotlines are overloaded. Not so with us: Störungsauskunft.de allows you to report burst pipes and other water faults quickly and easily digitally. If a fault has already been reported by the water supplier, you no longer need to do so. They will already know about it and will take care of rectifying it!

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Here you come to the start pages of the respective types of disturbance:

District heating
Street lighting

Current outages

Breckerfeld58339 BreckerfeldPostalcode 58339
Schwelm58332 SchwelmPostalcode 58332
Wetter (Ruhr)58300 Wetter (Ruhr)Postalcode 58300